TreeSize Professional 9.1

TreeSize Professional 9.1

Visualize the space usage of your storage system using charts
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

TreeSize Professional is a powerful disk management utility whose main aim is allowing you to know which files and folders take up the most of your disk space. The program thoroughly analyzes your disk(s) and offers you very detailed information about their contents in several practical ways like charts, detailed lists, and treemaps. Then, you can export them in various formats.

The same installer allows you to install the personal and the professional editions of the program, being the latter capable of analyzing even network drives and UNC paths. Likewise, when you run the program you are asked whether to run it in standard or in administrator modes. Of course, the second is the advisable option if you are an advanced user, as the standard mode won't be able to analyze some system and/or hidden folders. As soon as you run the program, you will see a pie chart showing you the disk space usage of each folder in your system partition (e.g. C:\), in a percentage format. Unfortunately, the quantity of elements, options and configurable parameters might be intimidating for beginners or even standard users.

The program is characterized by a ribbon user interface whose options vary depending on the view you select. The available views are Chart, Details, Extensions, Users, Age of files, Top 100 files, and History. The Chart view can be rotated among Pie chart, Bar chart and Treemap, all with the 3D effect enabled or disabled. As for the details view, it shows you a list of the files and folders of the selected disk/location, with a very detailed level of information. Anyway, whatever view you select, you always have a left panel where your files and folders are listed with background bars that show you their relative sizes. By the way, you can select whether to display the sizes in Gigabytes, Megabytes, Kilobytes, or simply let the program select the best unit for each case.

Besides allowing you to know the size and disk space usage of your files and folders at a glance, TreeSize Professional offers you many more additional functions. For example, you can use it to clean up your disk, use its File Search tool to locate duplicate files, create snapshots of your disk's current status for later comparison, defragment your disk(s) and schedule automatic system scans. Also, you can use it as a file manager, as you can easily copy, move or delete files among many other useful tools and features.

To cut a long story short, TreeSize Professional is a very comprehensive software tool that helps you manage and optimize your disk(s) space in several helpful ways. While the program might be a bit expensive for most users, I would say it is a must-have for system administrators and IT professionals. The program includes native editions for both 32-bit and 64-bit editions of MS Windows.

RS Senior editor
Ricardo Soria
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Review summary


  • Shows you the files and folders that take up the most disk space
  • Offers you multiple views with very detailed information
  • Exports the resulting information in several formats
  • Cleans up your disk space
  • Locates duplicate files
  • Creates snapshots of your disk's current status
  • Defragments your disk(s)
  • Use it as a file manager


  • Might be hard to use for beginners
  • A bit expensive

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Why AT&T internet run too slowly?

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Such a great program to view your stored file in Graphical way.
I love this program. Worth to try. Smile

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Excellent program.

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